Back to one of the favorite places on this trip, Fernadina Beach, Amelia Island, FL......this time with warm and sunny beach weather. This place has been totally "discovered" in the past ten years, with property values skyrocketing beyond belief. I think I was looking at a parcel of land that was bought in 2010 for $50,000 now valued at $400,000. And that's not even directly on the water. This beach house is one of the few funky ones remaining on the beach side of the road. Probably worth near $1 million. My host Mike is a native here and seen this place explode, and while he takes pride in the popularity of the place, it comes with a price. There is more culture, art, music and so forth here than ever before, but there is rampant development and I question whether the sleepy island vibe is doomed. So it's a bit of a double edged sword, we find someplace, then love it to death.

However, that being said, there seems to be plenty of room for everyone on the beach. And even around town, in what I suppose is the height of the winter season, it's still pretty uncrowded. Mike complains of the traffic, but the traffic here is what I would call a no traffic day in Norwalk and Westport.
There are over 40 beach access points all along the coast road, allowing anyone and their dog access all year long. This is just so great. There is free parking in these little areas right next to all the super expensive beachfront homes.
Gifts from the beach.
Fernadina Beach has the sweetest historic downtown district, and while there is some touristy elements and shops, it still feels like a functioning downtown that the residents use and patronize. It's just totally charming.
The locals have a long standing custom of driving their cars onto the beach. Yesterday I saw about fifty of them out there with their coolers and lawn chairs, teenagers and adults. It seems odd to me to do that, but it's a way of life here. Mike took me on a little ride on the beach in his Jeep onto the state park on the south end of the island. I told him not to run over crabs and stuff. He laughed.
Incredible variety and number of shore birds. I couldn't identify the very large heron type bird (or any of them for that matter), but they were magnificent, with huge black tipped wings.There had to have been at least seven or more types of shore birds right here in the marsh at the state park.

Every Saturday there is a sweet little farmer's market in the downtown historic district.
And after a long grueling four day trip, Mike left the door open and the bed turned down the day I arrived. Warmed my heart.
I wish to also acknowledge the passing of my dear cousin Rick just three days ago. He was the cool older cousin that we all thought was so grown up when we were very little. Rick was one of the sweetest people on earth and struggled with many health challenges over the years but did it with grace. My heart goes out to his kids John and Brian, wife Joann and sister Lindsay. I don't believe in death as the "end", and I enjoy thinking that he's been freed of the limitations of his physical body and is free, light and loved by the universe. Here we are at one of my shows, he was always very supportive and drove up from NYC to see me perform. I will miss you Ricky.
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