BACKLASH UPDATE! see August 15th post.....
With Tampons and Concrete, Vandals Hit Paris Urinals Seen as Sexist

PARIS — To some, the new street urinals in Paris are a mere eyesore, to say nothing of the men using them. To others, they are no less than an emblem of sexism, still more evidence that men’s needs are put above women’s.
Now, protesters have taken concrete action.
Vandals plugged up two of the urinals — with cement — and took the opportunity to festoon them with tampons and protest stickers aimed at men.
“Are you a dog? No?” said one. “Then why are you urinating in the street?”
Another complained of a double standard.
“Women who expose their breasts to breast-feed are asked to hide themselves,” it said. “Men who take out their genitals to urinate are subsidized by City Hall."
The two damaged urinals have been removed. On Thursday, where one of them had stood on the Île St.-Louis, the only sign of the controversy was graffiti spray-painted onto a nearby stone wall overlooking the Seine. It showed a clenched fist in a Venus symbol.
Oh my...why can't people just accept certain things, why does everything have to be turned into a battle. Having less men peeing on trees or benches or walls is a good thing. Why can't people just accept that, and be grateful for that, and move on...sigh! It's not women doing this, it's usually men because its so easy for them, this is a solution not a problem. Grrrrr.