In the winter of 1990, I spent six weeks traveling in the canyons of Utah and the redwoods of California with a dog, car and oh yeah, a boyfriend. The following year, we bought a small pop up trailer that we towed with a VW Golf and traveled to Ashville NC, Charleston, Okeefanokee Swamp, Edisto Island in Georgia and landed at Mardi Gras in New Orleans just by luck. I was hooked. For the past 25 years I've been wanting to do this again, but one thing or the other made it just not feel like the "right time." So now it is. Me, dog, car. No boyfriend.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Harrisonburg, VA. and Asheville, NC.

All the STUFF!!!!!

Into the car.....

Very rainy and trafficy drive through NJ to Hamburg PA,  My first "boondocking" experience at Cabela's sporting goods lot with a few other RV's. This has got to be the world's biggest parking lot. My morning view.

Some ominous messages on the highway.

Onto a cozy bedroom at my Couchsurfing hosts Noel and Laura in Harrisonburg VA, where the Mennonites help and bring refuges.  48 languages are spoken in the public schools. Little hip "dot of blue" in a sea of red as my hosts describe it. 

Traditional Guatemalan breakfast at the local collective so DELISH!!!

Currently in Asheville, NC staying in another cozy place with my dear friend Patricia.


  1. Hi Laura!

    We miss you! Thanks for all of the great photos. I remember driving past that big Cabela's on the way to the Martin guitar factory in Nazareth, PA where they still make handmade guitars. You can get a nice tour there! It's amazing how fast the Northeastern world of the Suburus, rock music & The New York Times gives way to the Southern world of pickup trucks, country music & fireworks. And I sure remember all of the biscuits and gravy. Luckily you left here thin!

    1. I've been on that tour MANY years ago! That sounds like a lot of fun though to do again, maybe on my return. Keep SINGING through the madness dear Scott!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Tried to leave a comment, but it went off into cyberspace. We are so glad you are well on your way. Love all the photos and descriptions, but just love virtually sharing your adventure. We are with you in spirit - now let's see if I can post this!! Jo-Ann and Rick

    1. Thank you so much for posting, I love getting them!!!

  3. hey laura... finally catching up with you and your and choochi's big adventure! i'm so proud of you! :) what lovely places you've been to already, and this reminds me of the coziness and sense of satisfaction of having everything you need right there with you in once place <3 can't wait to hear what's next!!
    xoxo big hug,

  4. Laura--Wish I could have stowed away with you two, but you and Choochi are my inspiration and so one of these summers I will try to follow in footsteps. Here's an exerpt from Dr. Suess's Oh, the Places You Go which reminds me of you and your trip:
    Today is your day.
    You're off to Great Places!
    You're off and away!

    You have brains in your head.
    You have feet in your shoes.
    You can steer yourself
    any direction you choose.
    You're on your own. And you know what you know.
    And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

    You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care.
    About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there."
    With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
    you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.

    And you may not find any
    you'll want to go down.
    In that case, of course,
    you'll head straight out of town.

    It's opener there
    in the wide open air.

    Out there things can happen
    and frequently do
    to people as brainy
    and footsy as you.

    And then things start to happen,
    don't worry. Don't stew.
    Just go right along.
    You'll start happening too.


    You'll be on y our way up!
    You'll be seeing great sights!
    You'll join the high fliers
    who soar to high heights.

    You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed.
    You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead.
    Wherever you fly, you'll be best of the best.
    Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.

  5. Thank you Daniela, it's a pleasure to have you with me!! You are living in our hearts and it's nice to think of home as well........xoxo
