In the winter of 1990, I spent six weeks traveling in the canyons of Utah and the redwoods of California with a dog, car and oh yeah, a boyfriend. The following year, we bought a small pop up trailer that we towed with a VW Golf and traveled to Ashville NC, Charleston, Okeefanokee Swamp, Edisto Island in Georgia and landed at Mardi Gras in New Orleans just by luck. I was hooked. For the past 25 years I've been wanting to do this again, but one thing or the other made it just not feel like the "right time." So now it is. Me, dog, car. No boyfriend.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Long Haul

The day after Christmas I steeled myself for the long drive across the flat flat flat land of what is Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and most of Texas. My plan was to camp at a welcome center in LA overnight and try to make it in two or three days. 

23 h 39 min (1,651.6 mivia I-10 

First of all, never believe what Google maps tells you about how long something is going to take. I left at 6 am on the 26th and ended it at 10 pm on the 27th. So that's 40 hours. With the bathroom breaks and two hours of sleep. This trek is an memory of endless public toilets.

Me in my little blue car on the long purple highway.

Landscape in Northern FL, seemed pretty nice. Apparently someone else thought so.

I listen to music constantly and and singing constantly. Sometimes I don't pay attention. Then I did. Uh oh.

Saved by the Shell

The sleeping at the rest stop in LA thing didn't work, it was dark and weird and nobody around. So I kept driving and tried to camp out at a Walmart and it was HOT and weird also. So two fitful hours of no sleep, got back in the car and drove to another Walmart in Louisiana where at 7 am I got about two hours of sleep. But felt pretty good.
But boy what a sad little town. Even Walmart hasn't upgraded it's exterior to it's perky blue color yet. But I'm grateful for the undisturbed rest.

So kept going.......

The lovely sunsets are the reward at the end of a long drive. 

I-10 is a very strange road. Once you get into Louisiana, all bets are off. I drove it in the dark too. Which was frightening at times. There are posted speed limits but nobody enforces them. The trucks are nuts. TX and LA don't believe in rest stops either. Or if there is one, you have to get off the highway to find it. 

You have to wonder when you find a rest stop and that is the most interesting thing around...........but here is where the land got prettier.

A little more specificity please.

The mountains appear!

Ending the long haul across Dixie, a beautiful sunset again. 

Treated myself to a motel room, a bed and a hot bath. Wow, what a joy.

Off to Tuscon today!!

Choochi slept through most of the ride. Lucky Choochi!


  1. Wow what a great record this is of your journey! Congrats on getting through the tedious part...

  2. Wow! What endurance, Laura. I hope you had long comfy sleep. Well the last few pictures look beautiful. Amazing sky! That's what I remember from being out in Arizona. I think I told you that my brother, Erl, lived in Tucson for years so I used to visit. There was an amazing desert park that I went to. I will find the names and also some amazing caves. I will do some research and let you know.
    Right now I am sitting at Epic where Nic works looking out at beautiful farm land drinking tea and reading books.

  3. Check out the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Not sure if Choochi could go on the trails especially those with the live animal exhibits.

    1. I just wanted to say that I am truly enjoying your entertaining thread, including the trials and the end you seem to always make it through smelling like a rose.

  4. Laura, I'm enjoying your adventure and respect your courage and free wheeling, adaptable spirit. I picture you singing all the way, and it makes me smile. Blessings along the way and lots of love! Jenny

  5. what an arduous haul for you! but yay, you got through it! so funny the things we take for granted, like findable rest stops and not-weird vibes. me thinks you need to teach choochi to drive! :D great photos.... they really show the flavor of the different worlds you traveled through. hope you are getting some good sleep since this post! keep on keeping on, girlie! we're thinking aboutcha!! <3

  6. Our country has some beautiful stretches
    Nancy and I went to Norwalk Inn last night to celebrate my birthday, in a quiet place with a good dinner. Hope you, Choochi and cat doing well

  7. Thank you all so much for your great comments! I love them!!!!

    1. Glad to see your post yesterday. Where are you now?
