In the winter of 1990, I spent six weeks traveling in the canyons of Utah and the redwoods of California with a dog, car and oh yeah, a boyfriend. The following year, we bought a small pop up trailer that we towed with a VW Golf and traveled to Ashville NC, Charleston, Okeefanokee Swamp, Edisto Island in Georgia and landed at Mardi Gras in New Orleans just by luck. I was hooked. For the past 25 years I've been wanting to do this again, but one thing or the other made it just not feel like the "right time." So now it is. Me, dog, car. No boyfriend.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Edisto Island, South Carolina

Of all the places that I visited on my first 2 month long excursion 27 years ago, Edisto Island in South Carolina stands out as one of my all time favorite places. An hour south of Charleston, it felt like a place that hadn't moved much since the 1930's. And still does in some ways.

The most wonderful part was the beach camping and the surprise of a subtropical landscape with saw palmettos. 

But my absolute favorite element are the beautiful, mystical live oaks with dripping Spanish moss.

My campsite

Edisto was pretty decimated by the last storm and the beach campsite is closed unfortunately. So I'm down the road a bit on the marsh, which is still pretty incredible.

Choochi went completely bananas on the beach. The beach is one of her favorite places, but the waves were really making her very happy.

Amazing gigantic shells looking quite prehistoric. That's a mussel shell of some kind as large as this very large whelk.

Stayed till sunset then headed back to the campsite.

My neighbor's campfire was belching so badly I had to move, and then realized that this could be a problem overall. The next morning, same thing I wanted so much to smell fresh salt air and all I got was forest fire and scalded lungs.

So I packed up my car and headed down to the beach park. Pretty  much just me here. 

Spending the chilly grey day with an awesome view  in my car (who I've named Ella for Ella Fitzgerald) office/lounge/bedroom suite doing this blog and other stuff. It's pretty cozy and warm!

Charging up my computer, camera battery and phone off of my big marine closed cell battery.

Nite nite for Choochi. See ya'll later, ya'll!


  1. A lady, dog and car
    travel best by far
    because they are light
    when comes the night
    settle almost any whar.
