In the winter of 1990, I spent six weeks traveling in the canyons of Utah and the redwoods of California with a dog, car and oh yeah, a boyfriend. The following year, we bought a small pop up trailer that we towed with a VW Golf and traveled to Ashville NC, Charleston, Okeefanokee Swamp, Edisto Island in Georgia and landed at Mardi Gras in New Orleans just by luck. I was hooked. For the past 25 years I've been wanting to do this again, but one thing or the other made it just not feel like the "right time." So now it is. Me, dog, car. No boyfriend.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jed, Dave and St. Augustine, FL

Christmas Eve Day 2016 on the Beach in St. Augustine, FL.

Me, Jed, Choochi and Dave.

Jed and Dave are from Connecticut and bought their dream home in St. Augustine about a year ago, Tragedy struck when the hurricane completely destroyed their house this fall. So they come down to work on it, clean, tear down walls, and just enjoy themselves. Their yard is a wonderful canopy of native trees that I get to enjoy for Christmas. And yes, they will rebuild! 

Jed is a master gardener and is going to make this a total Shangra-la! I can't wait to see it when he's finished.

Little Christmas touches  in downtown St. Augustine.

Back home and a gin and tonic in the backyard.

Jed and Dave's cozy camp-out on the porch.

Dave conjures Pele the fire goddess.

Choochi hangin' with the surfer dudes.


St. Augustine lights up the whole town for Christmas. 

The main streets are extremely busy and packed with tourists, but the side streets are quaint and quite and have historic homes with cobbled streets right off the main bustling square. Very reminiscent of Europe.

This This is Jed and Dave's bathroom that FEMA left for the neighborhood.



  1. Nice pictures! It looks like Choochi is having the best winter ever!

  2. I might be having the best winter ever too!

  3. Merry Christmas Laura,
    Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. Your trip sounds like it is going and we are so happy for you - Another great place!!
    sending ou love and good wishes .

  4. Looks like you picked the perfect place to Christmas! Onward...may your travel be touched by magic and guided by angels!

  5. Wow, how fun to see vicariously what you're seeing for reals! Lovely pictures, nice job documenting your travels. Tucson is cool...but dry! Have fun--I look forward to your next post! You be one mighty traveler!
